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March 2025

Virtual Composting for Gardeners - Introduction to Composting

Instructor: Robert Pavlis Fee: $10 (plus HST) per person. An introduction to the composting process including the role of microbes, greens and browns, carbon to nitrogen ratios, moisture levels, the importance of temperature and a definition for finished compost. We’ll take a brief look at the pros and cons of various composting methods so that you can select the right workshop for you, in the following weeks.

Restoring Fruit Trees

Instructor: Matt Soltys Fee: $65 (plus HST) per person if booked before the early bird deadline of Tuesday, March 4, 2025. After the early bird deadline the fee is $75 (plus HST)

Virtual Bird Sounds Series

Instructor: Chris Earley, Arboretum Interpretive Biologist Mondays and Wednesdays, March 17, 19, 24, 26, 31, April 2, 7 and 9, 2025 Fee: $70.00 + H.S.T.

The Art and Practice of Pruning

Instructor: Polly Samland Fee: $65 (plus HST) per person if booked before the early bird deadline of Monday, March 10, 2025. After the early bird deadline the fee is $75 (plus HST)

Virtual Composting for Gardeners - Composting Piles, Bins and Drums

Instructor: Robert Pavlis Fee: $10 (plus HST) per person The previous workshop provided information about the composting process. This workshop is more hands on and looks at various methods for completing both hot and cold composting. Hot composting is the traditional method using one or more bins. This is a great system that makes faster compost, but it is impractical for smaller gardens. Various plastic bins and drums are more suitable there. We’ll have a look at various commercial and DIY systems.

Virtual Composting for Gardeners - Vermicomposting

Instructor: Robert Pavlis Fee: $10 (plus HST) per person Vermicomposting is a way of using earth worms to compost organic material. One benefit of this method is that it can be done in the home using special bins that require a very small space.