Quizzes and Games!

kids watch the underwater life of a stream

Check out these fun quizzes and test your identification skills!

Alphabet Quizes

Alphabet Quizzes

What begins with the letter 'A'?

letter A Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Ant (Carpenter Ant), Artist's Conk (photo by Tim Myles), Aphid

Middle row (left to right): Admiral (Red Admiral), Ash, Aron (our curator)

Bottom row (left to right): Amberwing (Eastern Amberwing), Aster (New England Aster), Arboretum Centre


What begins with the letter 'B'?

letter B Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Bumble Bee, Bat (Little Brown), Beech (American)

Middle row (left to right): Bloodroot, Black-eyed Susan, Blackbird (Red-winged)

Bottom row (left to right): Barb Ash (our Marketing and Bookings Co-ordinator), Buckeye (Ohio), Buckeye (Common)


What begins with the letter 'C'?

letter C Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Cucumber Tree Bloom, Caddisfly Larva, Cecropia Caterpillar

Middle row (left to right): Cooper's Hawk, Cirrus Clouds (Photo by Robert Hall), Columbine (Photo by Marg Gillies)

Bottom row (left to right):Cedar Waxwing (Photo by Jon Brierley), Coyote, Chris Earley (Arboretum Interpretive Biologist!)


What begins with the letter 'D'?

letter D Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Deer mouse, Dwarf Hackberry, Downy Yellow Violet (Photo by Marg Gillies)

Middle row (left to right): Dwarf Chinquapin Oak, Daisy (Oxeye), Downy Woodpecker (Photo by Jon Brierley)

Bottom row (left to right): Dandelion, Daddy Longlegs, Dryad's Saddle


What begins with the letter 'E'?

letter E Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Eastern Hemlock, Early Azalea, Edward's Hairstreak

Middle row (left to right): Euonymus, Evening Primrose, Eastern Cottontail

Bottom row (left to right): Eastern Bluebird, Early Meadowrue, Elm seeds


What begins with the letter 'F'?

letter F Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Fern (Oak Fern), Frog (Gray Tree Frog), Fungus (Turkey Tail bracket fungus)

Middle row (left to right): Forget-Me-Not Flowers, Fir (Balsam Fir), Fawn (White-tailed Deer - Photo by Bryna Belisle)

Bottom row (left to right): Finch (American Goldfinch - Photo by Jon Brierley), Fox (Red Fox), Northern Flying Squirrel


What begins with the letter 'G'?

letter G Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Golden-crowned Kinglet, Goldenrod Ball Gall, Ginkgo

Middle row (left to right): Gray Squirrel, Grouse (Ruffed), Grape (Wild)

Bottom row (left to right): Goldenrod (Canada), Goldfinch (American), Gray Squirrel (yes the black ones are still called Gray Squirrels!)


What begins with the letter 'H'?

letter H Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Hairy Woodpecker (Photo by Jon Brierley), Eastern Hemlock, Hosta

Middle row (left to right): Common Hackberry, Herb Robert (Photo by Marg Gillies), Hover Fly

Bottom row (left to right): Honey Bee, Hoary Bat (Photo by Deb Whitecotton), Hyacinth


What begins with the letter 'I'?

letter I Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Indigo Bunting (photo by Jon Brierley), Blue Flag Iris (photo by Jon Brierley), Isopod

Middle row (left to right): Interrupted Dagger moth caterpillar, Poison Ivy, False Indigo (photo by Melissa Henry)

Bottom row (left to right): Indian Meal Moth (photo by Candice Talbot), Ichneumonid wasp, Inchworm - Cleft-headed Looper


What begins with the letter 'J'?

letter J Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Ebony Jewelwing, Jacob's Ladder, Jack Pine

Middle row (left to right): Blue Jay, Japanese Beetle, Jack-in-the Pulpit (photo by Marg Gillies)

Bottom row (left to right): Meadow Jumping Mouse, Spotted Jewelweed, Dark-eyed Junco


What begins with the letter 'K'?

letter K Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Katsura Tree, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Black Knot Fungus

Middle row (left to right): Belted Kingfisher, Bush Katydid, Knapweed

Bottom row (left to right): Golden-crowned Kinglet, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Kellen (our GIS Technician/Equipment Operator!)


What begins with the letter 'L'?

letter L Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Leopard Frog, Little Wood Satyr, Trout Lily

Middle row (left to right): Lichens, Largetooth Aspen, Little Brown Snake

Bottom row (left to right): Long-eared Owl, Late Fall Polypore, Lig - our gardener


What begins with the letter 'M'?

Letter M Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Merlin, Maple (Sugar Maple), Mourning Cloak Butterfly 

Middle row (left to right): Monarch Caterpillar, Mink, Marsh Marigold

Bottom row (left to right): Mosquito pupa, Milkweed, Mourning Dove


What begins with the letter 'N'?

letter N Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): New England Aster, Northern Flying Squirrel, Red-breasted Nuthatch

Middle row (left to right): New York Fern, Ninebark, Northern Leopard Frog

Bottom row (left to right): White-breasted Nuthatch, Common Wood-Nymph, Northern Cardinal


What begins with the letter 'O'?

letter O Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Northern Saw-whet Owl, Oxeye Daisy, Shumard Oak acorn

Middle row (left to right): Osage Orange fruit, Ostrich Fern, Virginia Opossum

Bottom row (left to right): Orange Bluet damselfly, Ohio Buckeye, Baltimore Oriole


What begins with the letter 'P'?

letter P Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Praying Mantis, Wild Plum, Porcupine

Middle row (left to right): Common Polypody Fern, Painted Turtle, Polyphemus Moth

Bottom row (left to right): Pileated Woodpecker, Pitch Pine, Polly (our Horticultural Assistant!)


What begins with the letter 'Q'?

letter Q Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Question Mark Butterfly, Queen Anne's Lace, Porcupine Quills

Middle row (left to right): Quaking (Trembling) Aspen, Distinct Quaker Moth (photo by Candice Talbot), Quarter Horse tracks (OK, OK, we are not sure if these tracks found in The Arboretum are from a quarter horse but we are not sure they aren't quarter horse either!)

Bottom row (left to right): Quartz, QR code for The Arboretum's Quaking Aspen page, Quiz - from last month...


What begins with the letter 'R'?

letter R Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Common Ringlet butterfly, Catawbiense Rhododendron, Raccoon

Middle row (left to right): Rock Elm, Ruffed Grouse, Red-osier Dogwood

Bottom row (left to right): Diamond Running Crab Spider, Russula mushroom, Herb Robert


What begins with the letter 'S'?

letter S Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Black-eyed Susan, Snapping Turtle, Scot's Pine

Middle row (left to right): Scarlet Tanger, Orange Sulphur Butterfly, Stripped Skunk

Bottom row (left to right): Spring Peeper, Sassfras, Savannah Sparrow


What begins with the letter 'T'?

letter T Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Six Spotted Tiger Beetle, Trout Lily, Tinder Conch Fungus

Middle row (left to right): Tiger Swallowtail, Eastern Towhee, Tulip Tree

Bottom row (left to right): Tamarack, Toadflax Catterpillar, Tansy


What begins with the letter 'U'?

letter U Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Darling Underwing, Large-flowered Bellwort - Uvularia grandiflora (photo by Marg Gillies), Central Mudminnow - Umbra limi

Middle row (left to right): Umbrella Magnolia (photo by Rachel Irwin), Unicorn Clubtail dragonfly, Rock Elm - Ulmus thomasii

Bottom row (left to right): Featherlegged Orbweaver - Uloborus glomosus (photo by John Reaume), Unicorn Prominent moth, Ursa major - the Big Dipper (photo by John Reaume)


What begins with the letter 'V'?

letter V Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Meadow Vole, Maple-leaved Viburnum, Downy Yellow Violet (photo by Marg Gillies)

Middle row (left to right): Velvet Stalk, Variable Darner, Turkey Vulture

Bottom row (left to right): Red-eyed Vireo (photo by Karl Egressy), Wild Lily of the Valley (photo by Marg Gillies), Viceroy



Colour Quizes

Colour Quizzes

What has the colour RED in it's name?

Red colour Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Redbud, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Red Fox

Middle row (left to right): Red Squirrel, Red Eft (young Red-spotted Newt), Red Trillium

Bottom row (left to right): Red-osier Dogwood, Red Oak, Red Admiral


What has the colour ORANGE in it's name?

Orange colour Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Orange Sulphur, Orange Jelly (a fungus - photo by Tim Myles), Orange Jewelweed (aka Spotted Touch-Me-Not)

Middle row (left to right): Orange Dog (caterpillar of the Giant Swallowtail which is a pest of oranges in Florida), Orange Hawkweed, Orange-crowned Warbler

Bottom row (left to right): Orange Bluet (only one Arboretum record), Osage Orange (not native but planted in our World of Trees collection), Orange Peel Fungus


What has the colour YELLOW in it's name?

Yellow colour Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Yellow Warbler (photo by Karl Egressy), Downy Yellow Violet (photo by Marg Gillies), Yellow-billed Cuckoo (photo by Karl Egressy)

Middle row (left to right): Yellow Earth Tongues (photo by Tim Myles), Black-and-yellow Garden Spider, Yellow Loosestrife

Bottom row (left to right): Yellow Birch, Yellow-throated Vireo (photo by Karl Egressy), Common Yellowthroat (photo by Karl Egressy)


What has the colour GREEN in it's name?

Green colour Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Smooth Green Snake (Photo by Jon Boxall), Green Stink Bug, Common Green Darner dragonfly

Middle row (left to right): Green-winged Teal, Black-throated Green Warbler, Green Ash (Photo by Brian Lacey)

Bottom row (left to right): Blue-Green Stain Cup Fungus (Photo by Tim Myles), Green Lacewing, Green Frog (Photo by Skye Earley)


What has the colour BLUE in it's name?

Blue colour Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Blue Beech, Blue Jay, Blue-spotted Salamander

Middle row (left to right): Blue Cohosh (photo by Marg Gillies), Boreal Bluet, Black-throated Blue Warbler

Bottom row (left to right): Eastern Bluebird, Blue Ash, Blue Dasher


What has the colour PURPLE in it's name?

colour purple Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Purple Martin (photo by Karl Egressy), Purple-flowered Raspberry, Purple Plagodis moth

Middle row (left to right): 'Purple Sensation' Flowering Onion (photo by Janet Dalgleish), Red-spotted Purple butterfly, Purple Coneflower

Bottom row (left to right): Rivers Purple Beech, Purple Finch (photo by Karl Egressy), 'Royal Purple' Smoke Tree


What has the colour White in it's name?

colour white Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Large White Trillium (Photo by Marg Gillies), White-breasted Nuthatch, White Baneberry berries

Middle row (left to right): White-tailed Deer (photo by Brenda Doherty), White Admiral, White Oak

Bottom row (left to right): Dot-tailed Whiteface dragonfly, White Spruce, White-crowned Sparrow (Photo by Marienna Egressy)


What has the colour BLACK in it's name?

colour black Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Black-capped Chickadee, Black-eyed Susan, Black Ash

Middle row (left to right): Black Cherry, Black Swallowtail caterpillar, Black Spruce

Bottom row (left to right): Black Maple, Black Knot Fungus (Photo by Tim Myles), Black-billed Cuckoo



closeups quizes

Close-up Quizzes

Can you identify these summer species from their close-ups?

summer closeups Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

quiz answers

Top row (left to right): Gray Tree Frog, Goldenrod Crab Spider, Spittlebug

Middle row (left to right): Duckweed, Black-eyed Susan, Cedar Waxwing

Bottom row (left to right): Large-flowered Raspberry, Silver-spotted Skipper, Wild Bergamot


Can you identify these early spring critters from their close-ups?

Spring closeups Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Quiz answers

Top row (left to right): Mourning Cloak Butterfly, Song Sparrow (photo by Jon Brierley), Mosquito Larva

Middle row (left to right): Eastern Chipmunk, Hover Fly, Woolly Bear Caterpillar

Bottom row (left to right): Red-winged Blackbird (photo by Karl Egressy), Groundhog (photo by Alison Maxwell), Wood Frog

Flowers come in a rainbow of colours. Can you tell which flowers these are from their close-ups?

flower colours Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

quiz answers

Top row (left to right): Cardinal Flower, Daylily, Cup Plant

Middle row (left to right): Tall Mallow, Tall Phlox, Hosta

Bottom row (left to right): Monarda (aka Bee Balm), Butterfly Bush 'Dark Knight', Great Blue Lobelia


Which songbirds are these close-ups from??

quiz. Banded Birds

How many did you guess correctly?

quiz answers

Top row (left to right): Red-eyed Vireo, Female Northern Cardinal, Mourning Dove

Middle row (left to right): American Goldfinch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Black-capped Chickadee

Bottom row (left to right): White-breasted Nuhatch, Downy Woodpecker, White-throated Sparrow


Can you figure out these spring warbler and wildflower closeup shots?

quiz. warblers and wildflowers

How many did you guess correctly?

quiz answers

Top row (left to right): Blackburnian Warbler, Trout Lily (Photo by Marg Gillies), Black-and-white Warbler

Middle row (left to right): Hepatica (Photo by Marg Gillies), Black-throated Blue Warbler, Red Trillium (Photo by Marg Gillies)

Bottom row (left to right):Northern Parula , Blue Cohosh (Photo by Marg Gillies), Cape May Warbler



even more quizes

Can you identify these 9 Arboretum Babies?

quiz. Can you guess what these babies will grow into?

How many did you guess correctly?

quiz answers

Top row (left to right): American Robin (eggs), Mourning Cloak Butterfly (caterpillar), Silver Maple (Maple Keys)

Middle row (left to right): White-tailed Deer (fawn), Dragonfly (nymph), Snapping Turtle (hatchling)

Bottom row (left to right): Green Frog (Tadpole), Dogwood (Berries), Mosquito (larva)


Who made these tracks in the snow?

Winter Tracks Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Cat, Cottontail Rabbit, Coyote

Middle row (left to right): Deer Mouse, Grey Squirrel, Human

Bottom row (left to right): Opossum, Raccoon, White-tailed Deer


The maple is our national tree and there are ten species and one natural hybrid native to Canada.

Can you identify these 9 species by their leaves?

maple leaves Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Striped Maple, Silver Maple, Black Maple

Middle row (left to right): Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Freeman's Maple (a natural Red X Silver hybrid)

Bottom row (left to right): Manitoba Maple, Mountain Maple, Vine Maple


Can you identify these 9 Lady Beetles?

lady beetle Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Spotted Lady Beetle (photo by Gillian Johnson), Introduced Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle, Seven-spotted Lady Beetle

Middle row (left to right): Asian Multicoloured Lady Beetle, Eye-spotted Lady Beetle, Large Parenthesis Lady Beetle (photo by Gillian Johnson)

Bottom row (left to right): Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle, Dusky Lady Beetle, Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle


Can you identify any of these trees by their trunks?

tree trunks Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Paper Birch, Blue Beech or Musclewood, Eastern Cottonwood

Middle row (left to right): White Ash, American Beech, Ironwood

Bottom row (left to right): Trembling Aspen, Yellow Birch, Black Cherry


Late fall/early winter is a great time to look for animal signs. The leaves are down and the vegetation sparse, making seeing these signs so much easier. How many of these do you recognise?

Animal signs Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Carpenter Bee hole, Beetle tunnels, Pileated Woodpecker feeding holes

Middle row (left to right): Red Squirrel feeding spot, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker feeding holes, Praying Mantis egg case

Bottom row (left to right): American Goldfinch nest, Paper Wasp nest, Beaver chewing


Can you identify these Spring Songsters?

Spring songsters Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Brown Creeper, Northern Cardinal, Black-capped Chickadee

Middle row (left to right): Song Sparrow, American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco

Bottom row (left to right): Eastern Meadowlark (Photo by Karl Egressy), American Woodcock (Photo by Karl Egressy), Northern Flicker (Photo by Marienna Egressy)


Can you identify these bird chicks and eggs?

Baby birds Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): American Goldfinch, Mourning Dove, Mallard

Middle row (left to right): Pileated Woodpecker, Great Horned Owl, Great Crested Flycatcher

Bottom row (left to right): American Robin, Black-capped Chickadee, Cooper's Hawk


In this quiz, your objective is to match the following descriptive spider names with the correct species of spider pictured below. Can you get them all?

Oblong Running Crab Spider, Cross Orbweaver, Six-spotted Orbweaver, Black-and-Yellow Garden Spider, Zebra Jumper, Shamrock Orbweaver, Northern Crab Spider, Candy Stripe Spider, Bronze Jumper.

spider Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Zebra Jumper, Candy Stripe Spider, Northern Crab Spider

Middle row (left to right): Shamrock Orbweaver, Oblong Running Crab Spider, Cross Orbweaver

Bottom row (left to right): Bronze Jumper, Black-and-Yellow Garden Spider, Six-spotted Orbweaver


The benches beside our reflecting pool at the entrance to The Arboretum Centre are favourite sunning spots for many wildlife species. How many of our benched wildlife can you identify?

bench wildlife Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, Gray Squirrel

Middle row (left to right): Eastern Tailed Blue butterfly, Eastern Bluebird, Black-capped Chickadee

Bottom row (left to right): Red Squirrel, Mourning Dove, Green Frog (we aren't sure why it made the terrific leap to get up on the bench, but it stayed there for quite a while afterwards!)


Can you identify these invasive species?

invasive plants Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Garlic Mustard (photo by Marg Gillies), European Buckthorn, Periwinkle

Middle row (left to right): Creeping Bellflower (photo by Robert Hall), Phragmites, Crown Vetch (photo by Robert Hall)

Bottom row (left to right): Lesser Celandine, Nodding Thistle (photo by Robert Hall), Norway Maple


Can you tell which trees produced these seeds?

tree seeds Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Ash, Oak, Maple

Middle row (left to right): Hop Tree, Ironwood (Hop Hornbeam), Basswood

Bottom row (left to right): Blue-Beech (Musclewood), Black Walnut, Birch


We can get some pretty wacky weather here in Ontario! Can you identify these 9 sky phenomenons?

weather Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Fog (Photo by Robert Hall), Cirrus Clouds (Photo by Robert Hall), Altostratus Clouds (Photo by Robert Hall)

Middle row (left to right): Condensation Trails - AKA Contrails (Photo by Robert Hall), Double Rainbow (Photo by Robert Hall), Lightning (Photo by Jon Brierley)

Bottom row (left to right): Solar Halo, Sun Pillar, Sun Dogs (the little rainbows on each side of the sun near the edges of the photo)


Because The Arboretum has so many different fruiting trees, shrubs and vines, we often get some berry-eating birds here during migration and in the winter. Favourites of many of these birds seem to be crabapple, bittersweet, wild grape, highbush cranberry, cork tree and juniper. How many of these birds can you identify?

berry birds Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): American Robin, Blue-headed Vireo (Photo by Karl Egressy), Brown Thrasher (Photo by Chris Wagner)

Middle row (left to right): Bohemian Waxwing (Photo by Chris Wagner), Cedar Waxwing (Photo by Jon Brierley), Eastern Bluebird

Bottom row (left to right): Pine Grosbeak, Hermit Thrush (Photo by Jon Brierley), Northern Mockingbird (Photo by Jon Brierley)


Can you identify any of these migrant birds that nest farther north and usually spend the winter farther south?

migrant birds Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Photo by Karl Egressy), White-crowned Sparrow (Photo by Karl Egressy), Blue-headed Vireo (Photo by Karl Egressy)

Middle row (left to right): Solitary Sandpiper (Photo by Jon Brierley), Red-shouldered Hawk, Rusty Blackbird (Photo by Karl Egressy)

Bottom row (left to right): Saw-whet Owl (Photo by Karl Egressy), White-throated Sparrow (Photo by Karl Egressy), Ruby-crowned Kinglet


You might think birding is just for summer, but there are lot's of bird species you can see in the winter too! Can you identify these 9 winter birds?

winter birds Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Brown Thrasher (Photo by Paul Tavares), Bohemian Waxwing (Photo by Chris Wagner), Common Redpoll (Photo by Karl Egressy)

Middle row (left to right): Red-bellied Woodpecker, Barred Owl (Photo by Dave Lavigne), Cooper's Hawk (Photo by Jon Brierley)

Bottom row (left to right): Hoary Redpoll (Photo by Marilyn Bahry), Sharp-shinned Hawk,Cedar Waxwing (Photo by Chris Wagner)


Can you identify these cheery spring blooms?

spring flowers Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Forsythia, Winter Aconite, Primrose

Middle row (left to right): Hyacinth, Daffodil, Snowdrop

Bottom row (left to right): Crocus, Daphne, Iris


Can you identify these summer field flowers?

summer flowers Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Black-eyed Susan, Bindweed, Fleabane

Middle row (left to right): Chicory, Red Clover, Cow Vetch

Bottom row (left to right): Viper's Bugloss, Sulphur Cinquefoil, Mullein


Many animals hide, but some hide right in the open and depend on camouflage for protection. Can you see what is in the photo?

camouflage Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Grey Treefrog, Goldenrod Crab Spider, American Woodcock (photo by Allison Pezzack)

Middle row (left to right): Camouflaged Looper, Elm Spanworm, Caddisfly Larva

Bottom row (left to right): Eastern Cottontail (baby), Blinded Sphinx, Brown Creeper


Forest ephemeral pools provide a temporary home for many pond invertebrates! Can you identify any of these spring critters?

ephemeral invert Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Bloodworm (midge larva), Flatworm, Fairy Shrimp

Middle row (left to right): Water Flea, Mosquito Larva, Damselfly Nymph

Bottom row (left to right): Caddisfly Larva, Copepod, Water Mite


Some of our most beautiful fungi are not the typical mushroom shape. Can you guess what any of these colourful fungi are called?

fungi Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Blue-stain Fungus, Giant Puffball, Turkey Tail

Middle row (left to right): Orange Jelly, Deadman's Finger, Lemon Drops

Bottom row (left to right): Hemlock Varnish Shelf, Eyelash Fungus, Bear's Head Tooth


There are many plant-eating animals in your yard and some of them are butterfly and moth caterpillars. Are any of these immature insects your garden's chewers?

catterpillar Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Monarch Butterfly (Eats milkweeds including butterfly weed), Cabbage White Butterfly (Eats cabbage, broccoli, radish and turnip leaves), Eastern Tent Caterpillar (Eats various tree leaves including apple and cherry)

Middle row (left to right): American Lady Butterfly (Eats Pearly Everlasting and pussytoes), Question Mark Butterfly (Eats hop vine, nettles, elm and hackberry), Polyphemus Moth (Eats many different tree leaves)

Bottom row (left to right): Spotted Tussock Moth (Eats various tree leaves including alder and willow), Cecropia Moth (Eats various tree leaves including lilac, apple, ash and cherry), Black Swallowtail Butterfly (Eats dill, parsley, carrots and Queen Anne's Lace)


Can you recognize these woody plant blooms?

woody blooms Quiz

How many did you guess correctly?

Top row (left to right): Canada Serviceberry 'Ballerina', Early Lilac 'Cheyenne', Tree Peony

Middle row (left to right): Tulip Tree, Redbud, Rhododendron 'Catawbiense grandiflorum'

Bottom row (left to right): French Rose 'Versicolor', Cucumber Tree, Pawpaw



Download the activity booklet created by our Interpretive Naturalist Intern, Alexandra Kocher, and print it off for instant fun!

some of the activities for kids at The Arboretum

Click below to download the pdf.

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