
The Arboretum offers workshops all year round covering a wide variety of topics from birds to mushrooms to gardening to art. Virtual programs are offered live on Zoom, and recordings are made available for registrants to access for a limited time. Details on registration policies can be found on our Registration Information page. View a complete list of The Arboretum's programs on our Workshop Descriptions page.

Upcoming & Current Workshops


Family Pond Study

children looking at pond creatures in a tub of water

Saturday, August 10, 2024 
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Format: In-Person
Instructor: Joseph Langlois

Discover the hidden wonders of pond life with our Family-oriented Pond Study! This aquatic adventure is perfect for parents and kids alike, offering a hands-on exploration of the fascinating creatures that call our ponds home. From frogs to backswimmers, you'll get an up-close look at a variety of pond dwellers and learn about how their interesting adaptations allow them to thrive in such a unique environment. Bring appropriate footwear, as it can get a little muddy!

*Maximum 20 people.

Fee: $10 (plus HST) per person.

click here to register for a workshop





Nature Hike - Introduction to Citizen Science

Person holding insect and looking at app for it on phone

Saturday, August 17, 2024 
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Format: In-Person
Instructor: Joseph Langlois

 Join us for an engaging nature hike through The Arboretum as we learn how to become better naturalists through citizen science! Designed for those looking to learn more about everything nature-related, this hike will teach you how to observe, learn, and record more about the world around us. We'll dive into the basics of citizen science projects, demonstrate how to use apps like iNaturalist and eBird, and discuss the significance of your contributions to scientific knowledge. Feel free to download the iNaturalist app beforehand, dress for the weather, and wear comfortable footwear for this outdoor adventure!

*Maximum 20 people.

Fee: $10 (plus HST) per person.

click here to register for a workshop





Hunters, Fishers and Trappers: The Amazing Life of Spiders

photo of spider

Friday, September 6, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Format: In-Person
Instructors: John Reaume, Dan Schneider and Chris Earley

In this day-long workshop, participants learn about the fascinating life stories and identification tips about our most important invertebrate predators, the spider. Participants will venture outside for part of the day learning how to find and identify some of our amazing local arachno-fauna, discover first-hand why most insects are arachnophobic, and how we can (and should) help our local spider population. Registrants in attendance will receive a copy of our Spider Booklet.
*Maximum 18 adults.

Fee: $100 (plus HST) per person if you register by the early bird deadline of August 29, 2024. After August 29 the fee is $110 plus HST. Note: If we don't have enough registrations by the early bird deadline the course may be cancelled.

click here to register for a workshop





Shinrin - Yoku Walk

person sitting in forest

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Instructor: Ben Porchuk


Inspired by Shinrin-Yoku, a Japanese term that translates into “Forest Bathing” in English, discover a gentle way of moving mindfully through nature. Led by Canada's Forest Therapy Guide and Trainer, participants experience a walk intended to open the senses, deepen a connection with the natural world, and enhance wellbeing.

Ben Porchuk is the co-founder of the Global Institute of Forest Therapy. He has led over 250 forest therapy walks in several countries around the world.

Fee: $60 (plus HST) per person if you register before the early bird deadline of September 3, 2024. After September 3 the fee is $70 (plus HST) per person. Note: If we don't have enough registrations by the early bird deadline the course may be cancelled.


click here to register for a workshop




Eco-Art Therapy

leaf ring art piece

Saturday, September 28, 2024 
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Instructor: Memona Hossain


This full-day, immersive Eco-art therapy session is aimed at providing an experience where you will interact with and share nature-based experiences to help bring hope, resilience, and positivity in your life right now. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on components of Ecopsychology as well as Eco-Art Therapy. Participants will be introduced to some key concepts of Ecopsychology and then participate in hands-on Eco-art therapy activities. Such concepts include:

  • Wisdom in nature
  • Engaging with nature and our surroundings beyond the 5 senses
  • Personal validation through personal “in-the-moment” experiences
  • Interconnections in nature and concepts of time, forgiveness, patience, love, and care as observed in nature
  • Communication beyond language, as observed in nature
  • Finding wisdom in nature and breaking free from societal rigidity and structure

The ecopsychological focus will be to open yourself to direct experiences within nature and rely on a reciprocation of experiences, where you allow nature to gently guide your awareness through your senses. You will be challenged to learn from nature’s wisdom in the absence of words and languages, and simply rely on your senses. You will be amazed by how and what nature reveals to you through such an approach.

The session will explore eco art activities that go beyond the barriers of traditional artistic techniques, and express without boundaries. Participants will create pieces that they are truly proud of because of the deep experiences and meaning held in the work.

What to bring:

  • small kit that includes scissors, pen, pencil, ruler, markers, pencil crayons
  • sunscreen, sunglasses, comfortable clothes, bug spray, and anything else you would like to be comfortable. (ie. small mat to sit on while working outside)
  • water bottle, a lunch and some snacks
  • an open-mind and uncompromised creativity!

The fee includes a $15 material fee that covers the additional supplies that the instructor will supply.

Memona is a mother, community-based collaborator, and a PhD candidate in Applied Ecopsychology and certification in Eco-art Therapy. Ecopsychology is the area of study that explores the connective, holistic relationship between humans and the Earth. She holds a Master's in Education from the University of Toronto. She has been a lecturer through the School of Environment at the University of Toronto. She occasionally teaches through community platforms

Fee: $115 (plus HST) (includes $15 material fee)  per person if you register before the early bird deadline of September 20, 2024. After September 20 the fee is $125 (plus HST) per person. Note: If we don't have enough registrations by the early bird deadline the course may be cancelled.

click here to register for a workshop




Nature Throughout the Seasons for International Students and New Canadians Series

aerial of Arboretum

Facilitated quarterly (12 NOON - 1:00 PM)
Online via Zoom 
Instructors:  Arboretum Interpretive Interns

This program is offered to specifc groups. If you would like more information please contact us.
Fee: FREE!
This online series is catered to University of Guelph international students and other community members new to Canada. New to the area? Come with us to explore The Arboretum and learn about what you can find in nature throughout the winter, spring, summer, and fall!
Visit the Nature Throughout the Seasons for International Students and New Canadians Series program page to learn more and register for upcoming dates. Please note that at this time this program is being offered to special group instead of as a public program. If you are part of a group that is interersted please contact us for further information.