Caddisfly Larva

colour photo of an insect larva on a red surface

colour photo of an insect larva on a red surface

colour photo of an insect larva on a red surface

colour photo of an insect larva on a red surface

Caddisfly Larva

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda 

Class: Insecta

Order: Trichoptera

This is the aquatic larval stage of the caddisfly, which is a moth-like insect that lives on land as an adult. As larvae, these creatures have a superpower: they can spin silk! They use their sticky silk to stick pieces of pebbles, sticks, or other debris into a portable case around their body. This case helps them to hide from predators and breathe underwater. As they wiggle around in their case, it draws water in to wash over their gills.