Fish of The University of Guelph Arboretum.
Observers E.K. Balon and D.L.G. Noakes (1983) with counts from Victoria Woods Pond and Wild Goose Pond both of which are human-made ponds.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Vic Woods / Wild Goose |
Central Mudminnow | Umbra limi | 10,000+ / 248 |
Fathead Minnow | Pimephales promelas | 20,000+ / 10,000+ |
Brook Stickleback | Culaea inconstans | 20,000+ / 37 |
Golden Shiner | Notemigonus crysoeucas | 0 / 10,000+ |
Blackchin Shiner | Notropis heterodon | 0 / 5,000+ |
Yellow Perch | Perca flavescens | 0 / 500+ |
Least Darter | Etheostoma microperca | 0 / 64 |
Pumpkinseed Sunfish | Lepomis gibbosus | 0 / 15,000+ |
Banded Killifish | Lepomis gibbosus | 0 / 2,048 |
Rainbow Trout | Salmo gairdneri | 1 / 0 |
We also have goldfish in some ponds including the David G. Porter Memorial Japanese Garden [1].